Thursday, July 30, 2009



Please ignore the nay-sayers, or better yet tell them that if you are not for it, you are agin' it. Find a way to go to Washington DC on October 11. This is about showing that there are lots and lots and lots of people who believe that LGBT people deserve the very same responsibilities and rights that every American citizen enjoys. It is nothing more or less.

It is not circuit party, not a lobbying day, not a star-studded event. It is not centrally organized event. Its success is only contigent upon LGBT people and their supporters taking a day to get get to Washington, DC.

Go to and find out ways to help you particiapte.

There are many large orgnaizations that are foot dragging on this. They claim that there is not time to organize, the congress will not be in session... etc. Their points are legimate and well taken... BUT: This event trascends the politics, the positioning and the nuance. It is a down and dirty "Show up and support LGBT equality." Remember how many people showed up across the country to protest the passage of Prop 8. It inspired many people and raised the conscieness of many. It got no-name people (like me) on the TV news.

So if the HRC, NGLTF and other large organizations a create a self-fulfilling prophesy of failure for this, what good have they done?

Folks from many areas ARE going to be there. The cast of the Broadway production of HAIR will be there. They are rescheduling a performance to do this. It is being promoted by Cleve Jones, former assistant to Harvey Milk and the organizer who covered the Washing Mall with an AIDS memorial quilt. It is going to happen.

Please join me, Kyle and thousands of others who will be there.

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