Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Good Stuff from the Longest Day

From NGLTF "Creating Change", Denver
Wednesday - Part 3

Here are some of the highlights from the workshop.

Owing to the CRM: "Access" is term that we attach to disabilities, but it actually born of the civil rights movement. The ball started rolling with access to lunch counters, drinking fountains, hotels. (These are memories from my childhood in Florida.) The logical extension the ADA. Now access to civil marriage for all.

Two terms defined: White Privilige are those things which by virtue of being white are more freely available for some Americans. They extend from the concrete to the less obvious. Membership in a club to who feels safe where. White Supremacy is the cultural system that enable white privilege.

Rush's Latest: The heir apparent to a Republican Party in shambles latest rant is, "Now that we have a black President, we are supposed to just bend over." Racist and homophobic. What a guy to wrap it all up in one pack and work our fears and division.

What to do: The results of small group brainstorming of tactics that work to overcome racism.
- Name it when you see it.
- Understand your own culture, respect other's
- Coalition Building
- Learn from mistakes: Self-reflection
- Use the Power of one-on-one; mentoring
- Share space: Make sure that no message is delivered "this is not just for white people"
- Needs assessment
- Continuous evaluation of inclusiveness
- Take risks, make yourself uncomfortable
- Take ownership
- Use the power of the the purse.

Following is an outline of a model regarding group organization. It was intended for LGBT groups, but I invite you to look at it from whatever perspective you bring. It is the mode presented by the group leader and gleened from my notes. There were no handouts.

Containers for Change (sorry, but "containers" is a new buzz word for me!)

Who? Who is in the organization?

When is including POC in leadership real and not just "coloring up?" Look at who's really involved in the decision making. Shared decision making. Who gets the camera? The microphone?
"How many is enough?" is a question of white supremacy.

If you build a house and then invite someone in they will always be a guest.
- Angela Davis

Look at the US Senate. Who speaks for the people of color?
(Classism: Who speaks for the poor?)

Pay Equity

Political Education

Leadership Development

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