Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"I am a Republican. I Was Born That Way"

My Senator is quoted in the Advocate:
"I am Jim Alesi. I am a Republican. I was born that way," said the Rochester-area lawmaker, in a confident display of his familiarity with Gaga-esque lingo. He called the potential marriage equality vote the most important of his 20-year career and noted the change from 2009, when the bill failed in the state senate with no Republican support and he, thought to be a potential yes vote at the front of the roll call, instead cast an “anguished” vote against it.

“I no longer have anguish. My vote will be yes,” said Alesi. “And my name begins with A. I am the first Republican vote to be cast in the New York state senate and I am proud to be a Republican. I will also be proud to be the first Republican voter to vote for marriage equality in this state, to lead off what I hope will be a succession of more than just enough votes,” he said.

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