Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Seattle and Integrity Puget Sound

Integrity Puget Sound met on Saturday, January 9 to discuss their mission, re-evaluate goals and start setting priorities in a post General Convention 2009 Episcopal Church.

The session was established by the chapter and skillfully facilitated Matt Haines, Province 8 Coordinator. As Vice President for local affairs, I was able to build a vist with Matt, this session, an upcoming St. Aelred’s Eucharist in Portland and our Board meeting in Pasadena into one trip.

After introductions by David Swim and Tom Weaver, Chaplain Andrew lead us into lectio divina around the Readings for Epiphany 1, the Baptism of Christ.

I did a brief introduction to public narrative and we broke into small groups to tell our stories of “me,” “us” and “now.”

The framework, provided by Matt, lead the chapter from a review of what is happening now, through a introspective look at goals and then into the beginnings of prioritizing how mission is put into action.

This chapter clearly know something about that as they can celebrate their active involvement in Lambert House, a drop in center for LGBT Youth. They fund and the meals offered during the week for 2 of the 5 days. Many spoke of this with a sense of joy in what they are doing and how it involves them in the community.

The identified specific areas of need and started the process of concrete ways in which the might be implemented. As this process continues and they develop more specifics they will share through Matt and the various structures of leadership their discernment.

Often I am asked, “What can Integrity do for us?” I left this meeting with a great sense that this group knows that they ARE Integrity and will contribute much to the enhancement of what we can do for each other.

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