For the liturgically aware you will be as surprised as I was to see RED. It was in honor of MLK Jr. and the choir and rector made it a fittin' feast day for the civil rights activist and martyr. The first reading was from Martin Luther King's speech accepting the Nobel Peace Prize.
Thje Reverend Ed Bacon's homily pulled together the words of King and the Gospel reading about the wedding feast at Canaan to, as usual, challenge us to see the deeper message of God's inclusive love. He gave Pat Robertson no quarter in his declaration that Haitian Disaster was retribution for some sin of breaking from colonialism or Rush Limbaugh's claims that the President was using this horrific event for political advantage.
Susan McCann and Gretchen Renfro also attended the service and wandered the wonderful displays of various ministries of a church that lives out its baptismal covenant with gusto.
Louise Books was a gracious host. If only I had realized that I DID need that ride to the airport!
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